Puppy Love Pet Rescue

What is Pediatric Spay/Neuter?
Pediatric Spay/Neuter has become standard practice for many rescue groups and shelters. Neutering as young as eight weeks of age has many benefits and has been endorsed by many veterinary groups and humane organizations. In 1991, the American Humane Association became the first national organization to endorse early spaying and neutering of puppies and kittens. The American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Animal Hospital Association, Humane Societies of the United States, Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, among others, quickly followed suit and believe the practice to be a safe, effective tool to help end pet overpopulation.Before Pediatric spay/neuter was available to rescue groups, we hoped that families who adopted puppies would do the responsible thing and neuter their pets, once old enough. Unfortunately, that was not always the case. How many unwanted litters of puppies were born (and later, euthanized, when they lost that puppy cuteness and were surrendered to a shelter) because the owners did not fulfill their responsibility? By neutering puppies prior to adoption, we know that fewer unwanted litters will result and more adult dogs will enjoy the health benefits of being neutered.Please be sure to make arrangements to neuter your pet. Ask your veterinarian about pediatric spay/neuter. If you are unsure about neutering, please consider the following FACTS:In six years one unspayed female dog, her offspring and their puppies, if none are spayed or neutered, can produce up to 67,000 dogs. In the same six years one unspayed female cat, her kittens and their kittens can add up to 73,000 cats.Most of these animals will be euthanized, some after years of neglect. Wouldn't you help prevent this from happening, if you could?
Animal Welfare Association of Voorhees, NJ
Animal Welfare Association of Voorhees, NJ. They run a low-cost spay/neuter clinic.
Friends of Animals
Call the Friends of Animals spay/neuter hotline(1-800-321-PETS), and they will send you a list of participating veterinarians in your area -and an order form for your low cost spay/neuter certificate.
SPAY/USA (1-800-248-SPAY)is a national referral service for the public regarding low cost spay/neuter programs. By calling their toll-free number, 1-800-248-SPAY, you will receive information about the nearest low-cost program and will be sent a certificate as proof you have gone through the SPAY/USA network. We have over 900 programs and clinics nationwide with about 7,500 top-notch veterinarians in the network as of mid-1998.
People for Animals
433 Hillside Avenue
Hillside, NJ 07205
Email: lpaws@webtv.net
Will neuter/spay animals six months and older. the procedures include rabies and distemper vaccinations and pre-exam. Surgery is performed by a licensed veterinarian. Call now for a convenient appointment.
Monmouth County SPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic
260 Wall Street
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Low cost spay/neuter, vaccines, and flea products
New Jersey Dept of Health & Senior Services Pet Overpopulation Control Fund
PO Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625
Spay/neuter surgery costs about $10 each for pets adopted through non-profit animal adoption services, government and municipal pounds and animal shelters, etc. Call for more information.